Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Please read this policy carefully. It describes what information Asteri Group Ltd (“we”, “us”, or “our”) collects and how we use it. By using the Attractions Guru website (the “Site”) and/or our services, you agree to be bound by this policy. Do not provide us with your personal information if you do not want us to collect or use it.

We collect and store information about you when you place an order, use our websites and/or contact us.

We collect information from you directly, from your use of our services, from your use of our sites, from third parties and from partners. Cookies, web beacons and other technologies on our websites and in our emails are used to collect information about you, your use of our websites, your use of our emails and your use of other services. For example, we may collect and process information about you (including personal information) when you subscribe to our email list, visit our websites, make a purchase, complete a survey, write a review, enter a competition, use our social media and/or when you make an enquiry. Through the use of cookies, web beacons and other technologies, we and third parties may automatically collect information about you. We may collect information about how you use our emails and websites (for example, how often you open our emails and if you click on any links contained in our emails). We may record the website you visit before and after visiting our Site. We may collect your IP address and information about the browser and the device you are using to access our Site or services. You may block/disable cookies and other similar technologies. Please read our Cookies Policy.

We will keep information you give to us (for example: your name, address and email address). We do not store any credit card or payment details. A third party supplier may store payment and billing information if you give your consent. We may infer and collect information about your demographics and what your interests are through your interactions with us or third parties. We may collect information about what you do or do not like. We may keep any information about you to fulfil and/or service any purchases you have made (including, but not limited to, purchases made via third party suppliers or partners). We may combine your information with information provided by other companies or sources. We may receive and keep any information about you which is given to us by our partners, suppliers and/or third parties.

We may use your information to provide you with services, products, customer service and to contact you. We may contact you by email (or other means) regarding any information, policies, terms and conditions, news, promotions or offers. We may also contact you on behalf of other third parties.

We may use any of your information to improve our understanding of your interests, to analyse customer data, for marketing, to conduct market research and to provide you with customised and other advertising. We may use your information to improve our websites, emails and services. We may use your information to create more personal experiences. We and/or our partners may use any information that you post to our site or our social media.

We may also use your information to prevent illegal actions, to detect fraud or crime, to enforce our rights and for other lawful purposes. Your information may be used to protect our company, directors, officers, employees, customers, third parties and our websites. We may use your information to protect our or our partners’ intellectual property.

You may see adverts on our websites, in our emails or on third party sites. We work with third parties to display adverts to you (including online behavioural adverts). These adverts may use information that we or others hold about you.

Please read our Cookies Policy. It contains information about how you can control cookies and other similar technologies.

If you want to unsubscribe from our emails, click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of one of our emails. Your request may not be processed immediately.

We may share your information with any of our businesses or brands. We may also share your information with our suppliers, selected third parties, partners and third parties who provide services and goods to you (these third parties may contact you). For example, we may use third parties such as email service providers, ticket technology providers and advertising companies. We may transfer/share your information with anyone who acquires our business or in an event where we merge with another company or reorganise our business.

To comply with legal requests or to enforce our rights, we may disclose your personal information to the government, the police or regulatory bodies.

We do not control any third party websites and this privacy policy will not apply to third party websites (including third party sites we link to). Please read the privacy policy of any third party website that we link to. The internet is not completely secure and we are unable to guarantee that our websites will be entirely safe to use.

Any or all of your information may be transferred to another country (for example outside of the European Union) where the laws regarding the protection of your information may be different.

Our privacy policy and practises may change. Please check this site regularly for any changes to this policy.

Please contact us if you would like to opt out of any marketing, exercise any right regarding your personal information or if you have any questions.